一、光伏建筑一体化即BIPV(Building Integrated PV,PV即Photovoltaic)。光伏建筑一体化(BIPV)技术是将太阳能发电(光伏)产品集成到建筑上的技术。光伏建筑—体化(BIPV)不同于光伏系统附着在建筑上(BAPV:Building Attached PV)的形式。
1、企业近5年承担过下列4项中的2项以上所列工程的施工总承包或主体工程承包,工程质量合格。(1)累计电站装机容量50万千瓦以上;(2)单机容量20万千瓦以上机组整体工程;(3)单机容量2台10万千瓦以上机组整体工程;(4)110 千伏以上送电线路500公里工程;(5)110 千伏以上电压等级变电站4座。
根据UL94标准判定材料的难燃性水平。按照HB、V-2、V-1、V-0的顺序,难燃性依次增大。一般说的难燃材料指的是V-0。除了传统的评价方法之外,还设定了上一级的5V评价。作为定位,难燃性顺序依次为V-0、5VB、5VA。由于5V评价的 试验 方法与传统相比有些不同,所以卡中象"V-0、5VA"那样就表示进行了两个 试验 。难燃性 HB < V-2 < V-1 < V-0 < 5VB < 5VA
UL94 5VA & 5VB Flammability Standard
Bars: Length 125 mm (5 in) x Width 13 mm (0.5 in) x Thickness [typically 3.0 mm (1/8 in)].
Plaques: Length 150 mm (6 in) x 150 mm (6 in) x Thickness [typically 3.0 mm (1/8 in)].
Procedure for Bars
1.A total of 10 specimens (2 sets) are tested per thickness.
2.Five specimens of each thickness are tested after conditioning for 48 hours at 23 degrees C and 50% RH.
3.Five specimens of each thickness are tested after conditioning for 7 days at 70 degrees C.
4.For bar specimens, the specimens are mounted with the long axis vertical.
5.A 125 mm overall high Bunsen burner flame with a 40 mm blue inner cone is applied to the lower corner of each specimen at an angle of 20 degrees from vertical such that the tip of the blue inner cone touches the specimen. The flame is applied for 5 seconds and removed for 5 seconds. The operation is to be repeated until each specimen has been subjected to 5 applications of the test flame.
Procedure for Plaques
Same as for bars except that the plaques are to be mounted on the horizontal plane with the flame applied to the center of the bottom surface of the plaque.
Requirements for 5VA
1.The specimens may not burn with flaming or glowing combustion for more than 60 seconds after the fifth application of the test flame.
2.The specimens may not drip flaming particles that ignite the dry absorbent surgical cotton located 300 mm below the test specimen.
3.Plaque specimens may not exhibit burnthrough.
Requirements for 5VB
1.The specimens may not burn with flaming or glowing combustion for more than 60 seconds after the fifth application of the test flame.
2.The specimens may not drip flaming particles that ignite the dry absorbent surgical cotton located 300 mm below the test specimen.
3.Plaque specimens can exhibit burnthrough.